Faheem's Wardrobe Featured in Majalah Usahawan Sukses

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

This time round, we are sharing an article that featured Faheem's Wardrobe in Majalah Usahawan Sukses (Bil 67 2011). We know it's been a while, but it's worth sharing ...

Visit Faheem's Wardrobe | SHAKLEE One Stop Centre at http://FaheemsWardrobe.my1stop.my

Your e-store at My1Stop has been featured in the media too? Tell us about it and we'll be glad to post it in our blog and have it shown in What's New @ My1Stop, our Facebook, our Twitter and shared all over the net for so many more people to see! Have your article scanned and mail us.

1 comment

  1. Correction: There has been an error in the article as acknowledged by Usahawan Sukses and Faheem's Wardrobe -- correction made: "Dalam tempoh kurang dari 2 BULAN, tempahan kami bernilai RM27 000 dengan peningkatan pelawat unik ke 2222 orang. ..." (in less than 2 MONTHS instead of less than 2 years as printed in the article). Thank you.





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